Healthcare and emergency services workers are experiencing much higher levels of anxiety, workplace stress, burnout, staff shortages, and communication breakdowns than ever before. This is having a significant flow on effect to their families, home life and their mental wellbeing. With the aim of contributing to a solution to the many challenges our workforce is facing, Healthcare Heartbeat unites a range of businesses who can offer mental health and wellbeing services tailored for healthcare and emergency services workers. These businesses are part of the growing 'Pulse Network' and understand the unique challenges that this workforce experiences, particularly as shift‑workers who frequently put their own health and needs infront of their own. The 'Pulse Network' is a gift that keeps giving, with more services to be added in coming weeks and beyond...
Healthcare Heartbeat has become the first organisation in Australia to collaborate with likeminded charities, businesses and industries to bring a range of essential healthcare services to our frontline workers under one united banner.
Healthcare Heartbeat is a subsidiary of World Youth International Aust Ltd which is a DGR approved organisation. All donations and support packages will be fully tax deductible.
World Youth International (WYI) is an Australian registered charity founded in 1988 that has offered training, development and overseas nursing placements for over 34 years. Healthcare Heartbeat supports the vision of WYI by Advancing Health here in Australia. We have dedicated our skills and knowledge to the healthcare sector and believe that we are the perfect organisation to drive Healthcare Heartbeat. We currently run the largest Healthcare Professional Facebook page in Australia with over 70,000 followers and have a widespread and devoted community. Joining forces with Healthcare Heartbeat will not only support a nation of healthcare workers in crisis, but it will also drive a great deal of traffic to your company. You will be recognised as an organisation facing one of the greatest crises in modern history and will be seen as a company committed to supporting the Australian healthcare sector and our frontline workers.
Frontline Healthcare workers can register with Healthcare Heartbeat and apply for a scholarship. Once approved, they can access a variety of essential services and use their scholarship tokens to fund their journey. Scholarships include access to self‑development courses, mental fitness training, workplace planning, career development, crisis support, short holiday getaways, food hampers, overseas nursing programs and a variety of other services. This website will provide Healthcare Professionals with the tools to deal with stressful workplaces, manage increased levels of anxiety, career planning and ultimately bring families closer together. It will reward workers for their amazing contributions to our society and allow everyday Australians to give back to these dedicated workers.
Healthcare Heartbeat is ready to meet with your team to discuss a mutually beneficial partnership. To register your interest and receive a business proposal: