Designed for Leaders, Managers and Professionals adding coaching to their leadership roles or professional services. Hone your leadership impact by developing skills such as emotional agility, presence, listening actively and managing tough conversations. Develop your self awareness and your natural coaching style. Improve people performance, engagement, accountability and ability to navigate change. Develop your team’s performance and a coaching culture in your organisation. Make a positive difference in all aspects of your personal leadership, community and society. Available Nation wide via online delivery or in‑person in SA.
Healthcare leaders and emerging leaders play a vital role in helping their teams and colleagues to develop, grow and sustain balance for themselves so they can be at their best for their patients, colleagues and family.
Preventing burn out, under performance from prolonged stress, the loss of once held passion and purpose for their work, and for being the kind of person they want to be for their family when suffering from compassion fatigue and stress. Coaching skills integrated in a leader's skill set improves leadership impact through a structured and focused interaction which includes skills such as developed self awareness, emotional agility, presence, deep listening and managing tough conversations.
Coaching skills have evolved as vital to improving leadership and an effective way to support and develop leaders working in complex healthcare systems. Institutions like Harvard Medical School and WA Health Department have embraced coaching wholeheartedly as a means to improving performance and wellbeing for healthcare professionals, promoting better team performance in healthcare and facilitating better patient outcomes.
Coach Studio is a South Australian based provider specialising in coaching and accredited with the International Coaching Federation. The 'Coach Leader Training' level one is approved for 34 hours of coach specific training. Coach Leader Training provides a retreat style of reflective time out away from the workplace but with purpose. The purpose is two fold; firstly for self nurturing and growth and secondly for professional development that provides positive benefits for the healthcare organisation and their team.
- The program is firmly grounded in the ICF latest core competencies and ethics providing assurance and credibility of high international professional standards of coach training.
- We provide step by step and skill by skill learning in a highly experiential environment without complicated theory to ensure coaching is embedded back in the workplace immediately.
- All our models have simplicity with depth and rigour.
- We ensure a safe, unique and enjoyable learning environment for everyone.
Facilitated by Coach Studio.